
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kurgo Backseat Pet Barrier for Small Cars and SUVs

Kurgo Backseat Pet Barrier for Small Cars and SUVs


Dogs moving around freely in cars are a safety hazard to themselves, the driver, and the passengers. The Backseat Barrier keeps everyone safe by creating a strong wall between the front and back seats of the car. This wall keeps the dog safely in the backseat when the car stops quickly and restricts excited pups from moving between the front and back seats of the vehicle. The Backseat Barrier also has an extra partition, which separates passengers from dogs in the backseat. Great for long trips, or just around town.

Item Details

  • Protects passengers and cargo from roaming dogs
  • Keeps pets from launching forward during quick stops
  • Universal fit for most vehicles from compact to SUV (does no accommodate 2 door cars or minivans)
  • Simple installation and removal for quick setup

Save Up Your Money With Kurgo Backseat Pet Barrier for Small Cars and SUVs Please Visit Us here Kurgo Backseat Pet Barrier for Small Cars and SUVs

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